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There is a unique memorial located in Bayeux, France, that commemorates all those reporters and journalists killed while carrying out their work across the world since 1944. The City of Bayeux, in collaboration with Reporters Without Borders, inaugurated the first phase of the 'Reporters' Memorial' (Le Mémorial des reporters) on 7 October 2006. Seven months later, this unique memorial site was opened in its entirety on 2 May 2007. Conceived, designed and built by landscape architect Samuel Craquelin, the memorial site comprises a well-manicured footpath with 27 stelae on which are engraved the names of more than 2,000 reporters and journalists killed during military conflicts or in the course of their work. Listed among them are eight Canadians who died between 1983 and 2014. The stele for 2021 was officially unveiled on 7 October 2021 by the President of Reporters Without Borders (France), Pierre Haski (8 April 1953 - ), in the presence of family members and friends. According to Reporters Without Borders, 53 journalists were killed around the world in 2020 because of their profession or died suspicious deaths.
First town liberated in France, 7 June 1944, Bayeux is home to the Musée de la Bataille de Normandie and inside the building is an interactive terminal that describes the careers of these reporters and journalists. From 4 to 10 October 2021 Bayeux hosted the 28th edition of the Bayeux-Calvados-Normandy Awards for War Correspondents (Prix Bayeux-Calvados-Normandie des correspondents de guerre). This event was originally conceived in 1994 as part of the 50th anniversary of the Normandy landings. An international jury – presided by Manoocher Deghati (1954 - ), an Iranian-French photojournalist who has covered more than 40 wars or revolutions and has travelled to more than 100 countries – awarded seven trophies as well as three special prizes.
On this day, 10 October 2021, we honour the more than 2,000 reporters and journalists that are recorded on the Memorial to Reporters that was unveiled fifteen years ago and congratulate the recipients of the 2021 Bayeux-Calvados Awards for War Correspondents.
Christophe Kervégant-Tanguy / André M. Levesque